Awesome, Jenny! You’ve said what so many of us have been thinking, particularly those of us quietly slogging away in the fiction and poetry mines of Medium (yes, I am referencing you!). For so long I felt I could live a sweet existence amongst my literary peeps in this little and diverse online community – but of late it seems that all I see are more and more of these articles, being pushed at me by the ultimate writing-dealer, the Medium Powers That Be. And I’m tired of ending up in arguments with random people for simply saying I want to write what I want to write, and let my audience find me (small though it may be) – but getting push back from people going on and on about the hustle, the hustle, the hustle. It all exhausts me, and makes me want to pull back from the platform entirely – for a time, at least. It’s why I’ve kept a day job all these years – to keep my creative impulse pure – though it can hard to juggle the two. And wouldn’t it be luverly if the Arts could accord the same level of respect as what essentially boils down to clever Marketing? ❤️