David, I had a somewhat similar experience up until the age of 10 — Dad is a geologist, and dragged us around on lengthy overseas placements in South East Asia; otherwise we were in country towns in NSW, Australia. Moved school just about every year — in one case, twice in one year, including being home tutored through correspondence school. We came to Sydney when I was 10, so we could ‘settle down’ before I started high school, but I felt far from settled, and instead felt like I didn’t fit in. Then when I left home, I moved house/suburb/changed boyfriends/friends for number of years, before finally settling in the inner city, where I have now lived for around 20 years. I wondered at times if this is why I’ve stayed with the same employer for so long — particularly during my young adult years, my place of work was the only stability I had in my life, and even that wasn’t particularly stable. However, I’ve now been living in the same place since 2001, and have been married for over 11 years, so I guess that’s fairly settled — maybe time for a new adventure soon!