Hate to see your predictions all coming true. Just clicked onto the specialised Lit section (buried away on the second page, where most people wouldn’t know to find), and not only has it been pushed further down the page to make way for special sections on “Gaming” and “Internet Culture” (their biases are well on display!), but the featured writer at the moment isn’t one of our own, but a published writer of “six works of fiction” with her one (and only) featured post republished from Guernica Magazine! And yesterday the Lit section was promoting an article from the Guardian about how to write(!). So yes — you said to me some time ago that if they ever paid attention to poetry, they’d just get big name outside (and already published) poets and feature them, at the expense of all the talent already available to them on this platform. Maybe I’m just having a bad day, but I’m wondering what’s the point, and maybe I should give up on poetry and focus on the legal costs advices, because at least they pay…
(But I won’t — give up poetry, that is. I’m just letting go of expectations of how it might be seen, and will keep trying to break through.)