I attended a playwriting workshop over six Saturday afternoons last year. Driving to and from the workshops, I had Noah and the Whale’s album “The First Days of Spring” playing on constant repeat. I think the image that sparked a play idea was dead rose petals falling like confetti over a balcony. But the mood of the play, and the emotional state of the primary male character, came from the songs on that album.
I was watching Noah Baumbach’s “The Squid and the Whale” again this afternoon, and noted in the extras that Mr Baumbach also created song lists for each of his characters, to help him connect with their emotional states while writing the script. Interesting to come across your piece, just after watching this. I’ve often found that a particular song can set the mood for a poem or short story I’m writing, and playing the song on loop can help me finish it.
Now I’m thinking I need to put on that Noah and the Whale album again, and finish a draft of my play script.