I’ve also tried this experiment to a lesser extent – gave up on Inkspired almost immediately, as the app kept crashing. Also tried Tablo briefly, but found its interface quite confusing; posted one piece of flash fiction, which apparently has had one read, but no recommends or followers. I also checked out Wattpad – I am following you on that and have come across your Stars story, but I haven’t posted anything there as of yet. Finally, I found the first platform I tried – Prose – has been the most user-friendly and interactive. In the last week I have posted one flash fiction, five poems and two song lyrics (all originally posted on Medium) which have all had some level on interaction by way of recommends, reposts and comments. On last check, I have 13 followers (without having yet put much effort into interacting on the site) – many of which seem to have stumbled across my “writes” (as they call them), and all the comments have been positive and encouraging. So far the highest number of recommends on a single write is 9 – some pieces that haven’t had much attention on Medium have been more popular on Prose – and most of the posts have attracted comments. It also seems (from the stats) that all the pieces have had multiple reads – with the first piece posted – my flash fiction “Rag and Bone” showing stats of 85 reads, 8 recommends, 4 reposts and 2 comments. The only drawback I’ve found from using the app for Prose is navigating it to find other stories. But overall, the first week on Prose has been encouraging, and I think I’ll continue posting and also start to interact with other writers on the site.
Look forward to seeing how your experiment evolves!