Louise – I read Big Magic probably a couple of years ago, when I was quite burnt out from running the defence to a class action, and was trying to find my way back into writing creatively again. I loved it – I particularly loved the idea of following your curiosity, rather than passion. I think I’ve been doing that for much of my life – following what interests me, to see where it leads. At the time, I’d found creative relief by taking evening classes at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, first in contemporary singing, which led to blues and jazz piano, jazz improvisation (loved that! Jamming with random group of aspiring musos once a week), then jazz harmony classes – which led to music composition, and film music composition, and songwriting – which led me back to poetry, storytelling and fiction writing again! I have to admit I’ve not played so much music of late, and miss it from time to time – but I’m sure there’ll be time for it again. Did Liz G talk about the crop rotation method of creativity? I can’t recall. Oh – and I saw her talk on creativity at the Sydney Opera House, probably three years ago now. Wonderful stuff. ❤️