Not sure where on earth you’re getting white supremacy from. I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding of the point I was trying to make, albeit (it seems) clumsily. All I was saying is that your assumption that the majority of people who travel internationally are American, European, and also white misses the huge number of tourists from other countries, such as Asia, and, possibly to a lesser extent, the Middle East. White people don’t have a monopoly on tourism, or ec0-damage, for that matter. That’s all I meant by my apparently clumsy reference to inverse racism. It wasn’t racism against whites I was referring to, it was an apparent assumption that other races — particularly amongst wealthy Asian countries — don’t have the same empowerment to do just as much travel — and damage — as white people.
But I think other people have addressed this point with more facts and statistics than I had time — or interest — to dig up. So, apart from saying you might want to reflect on the assumptions buried in your own responses, I’ll leave it at that.