Thanks so much for your response! The story is loosely (not so loosely) based on a road trip I had with my brother at the turn of the century (that makes it seem so long ago!), full of synchronicity – which at the time I put down to my brother, who was living like a child of fortune. And yes, there were healers. (Unfortunately I didn’t actually see any dolphins 🐬 – I added them for poetic effect.) I was a slightly burnt out young criminal lawyer at the time, and this, and a second magical trip to Byron Bay a year later, this time for a court case, set me on a path of exploring alternative healing that stretched throughout the decade and brought me to a place of openness, that brought me to my husband. I originally wrote it last year for a short story anthology my writer’s group was putting together on the theme of ‘Starting Out’ – because, to me, it was a story of new beginnings… So I’m glad you resonated with it. ❤️
On a more mundane note, the clapping/highlighting thing has been affecting many of us, and James Finn posted this a couple of days ago, by way public service announcement – a possible fix: log out of Medium, and then back in again (ie a reboot). Here’s James’ post – try it, and see if it works!