We can see how many claps people give us — but like Anna, I usually try not to peek, for fear of awakening latent insecurity. But I must admit I’ve become more generous than I was at first, largely because others have been so generous to me. But there’s no real method to my response — a lot can depend on my mood in the moment; if it moves me, I can give 20+, and yes, I have given 50 at times, often for varying reasons — but mainly because something moved me in that moment! And I can, at times (often!) have an odd OCD about the numbers — not just the rounding up to 5 or 10 (which I do at times) — but also leaving the clap count on odd numbers like — 111, or 575, or 321, or even 999! (Is that cruel?) But as my husband says, if you consider they’re out of 50 — then 5 is like a mark of 1/10! So maybe best not to judge that way. Or (to get back to my first point) to peek…